Most homeschoolers in Tennessee choose to operate under the cover of a Category IV Church-Related School (or Umbrella School). We provide here for your convenience a directory of church-related schools and other homeschool organizations throughout the state.
This list is by no means exhaustive, and does not constitute an endorsement of any said schools. If you have a school not listed here please feel free to Submit A Listing email [email protected] with a Subject "New THEA Directory Listing".
HomeLife Academy is a non-traditional K-12 private school and ministry serving thousands of homeschool families for nearly 15 years. Our homeschool diplomas have been accepted by colleges and universities all over the nation, from the University of Central Florida to Ivy League colleges to the Air Force Academy.
Also known as an umbrella or cover school, HomeLife Academy’s goal is to help give homeschooling families the freedom and flexibility to choose the best educational options for their child while benefiting from the many services that come from enrolling in a school like HLA. Our goal is simple: provide support, record-keeping, and counseling services, to help “Light the Fires” of education in your children and encourage you – the parent – to keep steady on the journey.
CCT is a service organization designed to promote & encourage speech & debate for home educated students in Tennessee with the goal of training students to articulate truth & defend their faith. Our mission is to facilitate the training necessary to encourage future generations of Godly leaders who demonstrate Christ-like love through a servant’s heart.
We want you to be informed about the local, state, and national events that are helping shape the future of homeschooling. These are exciting and challenging times. Stop by our website often to pick up new ideas, get the latest schedule of local METHEA sponsored activities, and stay abreast of state and national home education issues. And may God bless you and your family.
Their website is your reference guide to the many opportunities and services available to Memphis-area homeschooling families. Take the initiative to contact MHEA or any of the listed resources as you make your plans and search out your path. We join, together, in praying for you that you will hear and do all that God has called you to do regarding home educating your children, and that you will seek the support you personally need to be strengthened and encouraged.
MTHEA is a part of the Tennessee Home Education Association
NETHEA is the Northeast Tennessee regional branch of THEA (Tennessee Home Education Association). We serve homeschoolers in Washington, Greene, Sullivan, Johnson, Hawkins, Hancock, Unicoi, and Carter Counties.
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