Rally Day, is the Day on our TN State Capitol Hill hosted and sponsored by Tennessee Home Education Association - THEA, for Tennessee homeschooling families to bring the good report of home education to our elected lawmakers. It is very important for our legislators to see their homeschooling constituents and to learn about the strength & vibrancy of home education in Tennessee! Join homeschoolers from across our state on Capitol Hill for Rally Day! We’ll gather for our Rally at 8:45 AM in the historic House of Representatives Chamber (see below) in our Capitol Building for a celebration of home education.
You can prepare an exhibit, a display, of your homeschool activities to set up in our Legislator’s Luncheon Reception on the 8th Floor of their office Complex, the Cordell Hull Building, for all our TN lawmakers to see!
Your displays do “speak” volumes to our lawmakers of the vibrancy of the home school lifestyle & educational option, bringing the good report of home education!
So, make an exhibit with a trifold to show your children's activities or your co-op or tutorial events, such as Play productions, Science Fair displays, Sports activities & trophies, or any of all the other myriad activities of the home school community! Be creative & showcase what your homeschool is doing!
If you have a display to bring to the Rally Day Legislator’s Luncheon Reception, call THEA’s Display Organizer, Pam Archer at 615-516-6157. If you miss her, leave a message with your contact information, your request for display space, & whether you need a 3’ or 6’ space. She will contact you! The table spaces are first come, first served, so don’t hesitate! THEA reserves the tables for you & provides the tablecloth! You supply the display!
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